- U.S.Navy Arctic Roadmap 2014-2030 [2020-08-05]
- Canadas statement on arctic foreign policy (booklet) [2020-08-05]
- Canadas northern strategy [2020-08-05]
- Denmark strategy for the Arctic [2020-08-05]
- Finlands_Strategy_for_the_Arctic_Region_2013 [2020-08-05]
- Iceland Arctic-Policy-Approved-by-Althingi [2020-08-05]
- Norways strategy in the High North [2020-08-05]
- Norway_new_building_blocks_in_the_north [2020-08-05]
- Sveriges strategi for den arktiske regionen 2011 [2020-08-05]
- Russian state policy in the Arctic [2020-08-05]
- National Security Presidential Directive and Homeland Security Presidential ... [2020-08-05]
- Usa_nat_arctic_strategy_2013 [2020-08-05]