王丽琴,政治与国际关系学院国际政治系讲师。2012年加入同济大学,之前在英国赫尔大学(2008年9月-2012年1月)政治与国际研究系获得国际政治专业博士学位,在南京大学(2001 -2004年)获得国际关系专业硕士学位和聊城大学(1997 -2001年)获得历史教育学专业本科学位。研究方向为国际政治经济学、东亚经济一体化、中国和东盟的经济关系等。
Email: wangliqin@tongji.edu.cn
1. Liqin WANG, ‘Competitive or Complementary?-China’s Role in Trade Cooperation with ASEAN in the 1990s and 2000s’, China: An International Journal(SSCI), Vol. 10, No. 3, 2012, pp. 63-85
2. 王丽琴,‘东亚新地区主义和东盟方面的经济动力’,中国国际关系学会,南京解放军国际关系学院、外交学院编:《国际关系研究:新领域与新理论》, 2011年4月,世界知识出版社,第172-188页
3. 王丽琴,‘解读国际关系学家泰勒’,《国外社会科学》(CSSCI),2008年第5期,第54-59页
1. 王丽琴,‘中国入世后是否挤占了东盟的FDI?-基于日本1998-2009FDI基础上的考察’,2012年11月上海第三届IPE国际政治经济学年会宣讲会议论文
2. Liqin WANG, ‘China’s Motives for Shifting its Attitude Towards Economic Cooperation with ASEAN’, 2011年4月(伦敦)英国政治学研究理事会(Political Studies Association/PSA)年会宣讲论文
3. 王丽琴,‘东亚新地区主义视阈中的东盟经济动力探讨’,2010年4月(南京)中国第五届国际关系学会博士论坛会议宣讲论文
Liqin, WANG, joined the lecturing staff at the School of Political Science and International Relations, Tongji University in 2012. Previously, she got her Ph.D. from the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Hull, the United Kingdom (2008/09-2012/01); her Master degree from Nanjing University (2001-2004) and her first degree from the Liaocheng University (1997-2001). Her main research interests are in the field of international political economy (IPE) with a special interest in trade and investment in East Asia (with a particular focus on China and ASEAN) and the economic integration in East Asia. Her main theoretical and analytical interests lie in (neo)liberal institutionalism, policy analysis of China (with a special focus on economic diplomacy) and varieties of regionalism/regionalization in East Asia.
Email: wangliqin@tongji.edu.cn
Internationally Referred Journals:
1. Liqin WANG, ‘Competitive or Complementary?-China’s Role in Trade Cooperation with ASEAN in the 1990s and 2000s’, China: An International Journal(SSCI), Vol. 10, No. 3, 2012, pp. 63-85
2. Liqin WANG,‘East Asian New Regionalism and the Economic Motives from ASEAN’, in International Relations Studies: New Field and New Theory, Beijing: World Affairs Press, April 2011, pp. 172-188
3. Liqin WANG, ‘Interpretation of Alan John Percival Taylor - A Great Historian of International Relations’, Social Sciences Abroad (CSSCI), Vol. 5, 2008, pp.54-59
Invited Conference Presentations/Papers:
1. Liqin WANG, ‘Did China Crowd Out ASEAN’s FDI?’, papers presented at the 3rd International Political Economy Conference, held at Shanghai in late November, 2012;
2. Liqin WANG, ‘ASEAN’s Economic Forces for East Asian New Regionalism’, papers presented at the 5th China National Association for International Studies (CNAIS) Doctoral Forum, held at Nanjing in late April, 2010;
3. Liqin WANG, ‘China’s Motives for Shifting its Attitude towards Economic Cooperation with ASEAN’, papers presented at the Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual Conference at London in late April, 2011